Frequently Asked Questions
How does movie night work?
Grab some snacks, get comfy and get ready to stream / view the movie from home. Jamie Grace will do a countdown for when the movie starts so everyone can press PLAY at/around the same time!
The easiest way to be in the chat and watch the movie is to log in to Zoom on your phone, laptop or tablet, and watch the movie on another device (phone, laptop, tablet, TV). You can also watch the movie and use Zoom on the same device.
How do I access the movie?
The Parent Trap (1998) is available on Disney+ with a subscription and for purchase via YouTube, Google Play, Amazon Prime and more. Please make sure you are streaming legally!
How much does this cost?
Movie night is free to anyone who wants to join! For 14 years, Jamie Grace has created YouTube content based on pop music and pop culture, and now does the same with The Jamie Grace Podcast. Movie Night is an extension of her platform. If you would like to support this content, you can click here to learn about Jamie Grace’s Patreon community.
Can I turn/leave my microphone on?
We do ask that all microphones remain muted so that everyone can have the full experience of the commentary. This will make it an enjoyable experience for everyone and help keep additional chatter and background noise to a minimum. You can always use the group chat feature that Jamie Grace will be reading throughout the movie night!
But I have a lot to say. So... can I leave my microphone on? Please?
You can add all of your jokes and thoughts in the GROUP chat!! Jamie Grace will be reading the GROUP chat through the movie.