you’re reading this because i truly believe that you’re a solid human who loves Jesus and your spouse.

quick note: if you’re anti set up or you’ve seen any of my content about dating or singlehood and you’ve rolled your eyes, please close this page, haha.

and if you’re very much confused as to what this website is and who jamie grace is (i’m offended), click here for a song you maybe heard a while ago, here for a wedding with a public invitation or here for even more context.

ok, let’s move on:


hi! it’s me. you probably call me jamie, and not jamie grace. and you probably knew me when i was single. grateful for the season i was living, yet hopeful that i would soon live life with a partner. and i know that you know someone else like that, too. specifically, a guy.

For years my audience has asked me to create a community for Christian singles and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Especially once I got married! While some married couples beautifully connect their single friends, I was so worried about becoming like the many annoying couples I encountered in my own singlehood. Aaron (my husband — the guy holding my arm with his armpit muscles in the photo to the right) and I never wanted to overstep or make our single friends feel like their single hood is something we’re trying to fix. Cause no.

So we waited.

God has graced this season of our lives and made it clear to us that the audience built through entertainment has many layers, and we’re excited about intro.

intro is a membership-based service for Christian singles who want to be set up on a date (click here to go all in on that website).

You are here because I need to let you in on a secret: this has grown REALLY fast and I need your help. But not like a “I need anyone’s help!” Nope. This is truly intentional. I am not asking for a social media post. Please don’t share any of this publicly.

I am asking that in God’s perfect timing, when you and your spouse find yourselves in conversation with a guy who is God fearing, happily single yet hopeful that a healthy, beautiful relationship is in his future, that you send him this link:

I know this is different and you may still have many questions, haha. You can visit the intro website at any time or of course text me - and we can hop on the phone. I would be happy to buy you a virtual coffee or lunch for your time as I share more of my heart and intention with all of this.

you might be thinking:

  • The same thing you did for me. You kept an eye out for dudes that might have been a good match. You supported me when I needed you. And now, I’m doing the same for young women who deserve someone in their corner.

  • intro is an online community for Christian singles - so, yes! the link above, however, is YOUR specific link to send to your recruits.

    at this time, we are asking that it be primarily men. the members of intro are primarily women and we are looking to recruit for them specifically (which is why we reached out to you).

    if you have single women in your life looking to become one of intro’s members/clients - for community, encouragement and a possible match, please refer them to:

  • nope!

    any single person can join the website “intro” - our clients join intro in hopes of being matched with someone. but WE (me, you, haha) recruit eligible humans FOR specific clients.

    our members have other benefits such as personal growth resources, live streams and small groups. but anyone you recruit (by sending them the above link) is not asked to join).

  • He believes Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior and considers himself a follower of Him.

    He is a male and at least 18 years of age.

    He is single, not legally married and otherwise not in a situationship.

    He is interested in being set up on a date that could potentially lead to a heterosexual monogamous relationship.

    He is open to getting married.